Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Looking for the purr-fect place to sleep

This looks interesting...

This is soft...

What do you mean I have to get off of your crocheting project!
You can work on it later....
when I'm through napping.

The yarn bag...
Ooooh, this is nice
and nobody will bother me here.

Oh Yea, I can really relax on this.
You need another size crochet hook...
and it's in this bag.
Don't you have anywhere else you'd like to be...
like shopping?

Okay, now we're talking.
I think I can rest here without being asked to move.


1 comment:

Kerri said...

I've been forgetting to come here and check out the kitties! I can see they've been busy in my absense...doing what kitties do best, sleeping and being cute :)
Great photos Sandy! I love that last one of Jybow in the previous post! Those kitties sure know how to relax :)